Botox for Wrinkles

Home > Botox for Wrinkles

Botox (botulinum toxin) is a protein that is injected into some small muscles of the face and relaxes them, thus leading to the extension and reduction of facial wrinkles. The injections, in addition to relaxing and reducing existing wrinkles, prevent the formation and increase of new wrinkles, limiting muscle contraction.

Objective: reduction of wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes.

Type of Botox: Dysport.

Duration of the procedure: 5 – 10 minutes.

Pain: mild, the client feels a small pinch, easily tolerated.

Anesthesia: no (the needle is very small and non-traumatic).

Effect: does not appear immediately after the application of Botox. After 2 – 4 days from the procedure, the client begins to feel the progressive and gradual stiffness of the muscles in the treated areas. The effect reaches its maximum within two weeks of the application.

Duration of the result: 4 – 5 months, depending on individual characteristics.

Effectiveness: Botox reduces and smoothes up to 80% of wrinkles.

Side effects: Rare, temporary and treatable.

Advice after the procedure:


  1. Do not massage the area where Botox was applied.
  2. Do not lower your head for several hours.
  3. Avoid direct exposure to the sun for 24 hours.
  4. Do not lie down for the first 2 – 3 hours after application.

Work Hours




7:00 - 19:00

7:00 - 17:00

