Dr. Ilir Arapi

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Prof. Asc. Dr. Ilir Arapi

Eye Surgeon

He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Tirana in 2006 with excellent results.

He specialized as an ophthalmic surgeon and is an internal lecturer in the Ophthalmology service at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Medicine, Tirana.

In 2015, he received the title of “Research Doctor in Neurosciences PhD” at the Polytechnic University of Marchevene Ancona, Italy.

In 2022, Dr. Ilir Arapi achieved another success by earning the title of “Associate Professor” at UMT.

For 10 years, he has been offering his services as an eye pathology surgeon at Q.S.U.T.

He has joined the Starmed Hospital team to help patients with his expertise as an ophthalmic surgeon for a large number of eye pathologies.

We are proud to have him as part of our staff!
