Our neurologist commonly sees patients for: Uncontrolled headaches, Memory loss, Imbalance, Numbness and pain, etc. These are the six signs that it is time to visit a neurologist:
- Chronic headache
- Dizziness
- Numbness or tingling
- Movement problems
- Memory problems or confusion
Our neurologist can help identify the cause of symptoms and create a treatment plan for both common and complex neurological conditions conducting the following tests:
Mental status. Our doctor will ask you general questions, such as the date, place, and time. You may also be asked to perform tasks. These may include remembering a list of items, naming objects, and drawing specific shapes.
Coordination and balance. The doctor may ask you to walk in a straight line, placing one foot directly in front of the other. Other tests may include closing your eyes and touching your nose with your index finger.
Reflexes. A reflex is an automatic response to stimulation. Reflexes are tested by tapping different areas of the body with a small rubber hammer. If reflexes are normal, your body will move a certain way when tapped with the hammer. During a neurological exam, the neurologist may tap several areas on your body, including below your kneecap and areas around your elbow and ankle.
Sensation. Your neurologist will touch your legs, arms, and/or other body parts with different instruments. These may include a tuning fork, dull needle, and/or alcohol swabs. You will be asked to identify sensations such as heat, cold, and pain.
Cranial nerves. These are the nerves that connect your brain with your eyes, ears, nose, face, tongue, neck, throat, upper shoulders, and some organs. You have 12 pairs of these nerves. Your neurologist will test specific nerves depending on your symptoms. Testing may include identifying certain smells, sticking out your tongue and trying to speak, and moving your head from side to side. You may also get hearing and vision tests.
Autonomic nervous system. This is the system that controls basic functions such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. To test this system, your neurologist or other provider may check your blood pressure, pulse, and heart rate while you are sitting, standing, and/or lying down. Other tests may include checking your pupils in response to light and a test of your ability to sweat normally.